Let’s get social – Nearsights is now on Twitter as @RealMonocles! Follow us for updates, pictures, and other fun monocle goodness.
And we’re always looking for great pictures of customers with monocles - tweet us a photo and show us what you're doing!
Check out our new Classic Monocle and Sport Monocle photos by Nathan Philips! You can see more of Nathan's work on his website: www.nathanphillipsphotography.com.
Nearsights product photos have been the same for years – we were due for a refresh! I hope that the new photos give you a clearer picture of our products (pun intended).
Nathan was great to work with – he really made an effort to perfect each shot. I think his work speaks for itself. I’ve posted the best behind the scenes photos below.
I’d love to feature you on our blog, too! Do you have a great picture of you wearing your monocle? Send it in to customerservice@nearsights.com!
There are only a few retailers who sell real monocles online, and it takes some pretty dedicated googling to find them all.
And - I've gone ahead and done the hard work for you. Below is a list of online monocle retailers, plus a little commentary. If I've missed a company, please let me know in the comments and I'll update as needed!
I hope this saves you some time and headache as you shop for a new moncole.
I’ll get the shameless plug out of the way first:
Nearsights sells real monocle eyewear for men. We sell real monocles for real people. We’re a family business based in San Francisco (started in Philadelphia), and we’ve been selling monocles for over 12 years. We’re one of the few retailers who focus exclusively on monocles. Check us out!
Nearsights monocles come in two styles: Classic and Sport.
Classic Monocles are meant to be held in the eye for comfortable hands-free magnification – reading a menu, filling in your scorecard, or tying a fly.
Sport Monocles are held in front of the eye for quick vision assistance – signing a waiver, reading instructions, or examining a family photo.
Both the Classic and Sport monocles are a great alternative to reading glasses. They’re light weight, compact, and easy to carry.
Retailers who only sell Monocles
Smaller retailers with a tight product focus.
The Monocle Shop
The Monocle Shop is based in the UK, and has a single monocle. It is available in silver or gold with multiple lens options.
Boutique Eyewear Companies
Specialty eyewear retailers who happen to sell monocles.
Daniel Cullen
Daniel Cullen is an independent eyewear retailer based in the UK. They have a solid selection of monocles, lorgnettes, and pince nez glasses available.
Eyeglasses Warehouse
Eyeglasses Warehouse sells “vintage eyewear for everyday use.” They find real vintage eyewear at auctions, store closings, or through other channels, and resell them to you. Their inventory is one-of-a-kind and appears to turn quickly. Sometimes they have monocles; sometimes they don’t. If you see something you like, pick it up!
Big Eyewear Companies
Large eyewear companies that include monocles in their product assortment.
Eyeglasses.com (Not to be confused with Eyeglass.com)
Eyeglasses.com is a large online eyeglass retailer. Their focus is eyeglasses, and they have several monocles available in a variety of diopters from Anglo-American and Chakra Eyewear.
Eyeglass.com (Not to be confused with Eyeglasses.com)
Eyeglass.com is another large online eyeglass retailer. They also focus on eyeglasses, and they have a few monocles available. They also have a large collection of pendant magnifiers, lorgnettes, and pince nez glasses.
Go-Optic is yet another large online eyeglass retailer. They also focus on eyeglasses, and they have a single Anglo-American monocle available.
Warby Parker
Warby Parker is a (relatively) new entrant to the online eyeglasses market. They have strong branding and beautiful photography! They also have a single monocle.
On Friday I worked with Lindsay of Isla Studios to take some new product photos. We have beautiful products, but we're short on pictures - I'm trying to change that.
It was awesome to work with Lindsay in Isla's downtown San Francisco studio. She was able to take my unrefined requests and transform them into beautiful ideas. We got some great pictures, and are currently in post-production. I'm looking forward to sharing the final product with you!
I think it's always fun to look behind the scenes and see how things are made; below are a few "behind the scenes" pictures from our photo shoot. Enjoy!
Here's a great picture of Dennis relaxing with his monocle and the paper - thanks Dennis!
I'd love to share pictures of real people using Nearisghts monocles to do real things. Monocles aren't just esotiric accessories - they are real functional eyewear.
If you have a great picture, please send it to customerserivce@nearsights.com - I'd love to feature you on our blog, and maybe in our product catalog.
See you soon!
Nearsights monocles in action at the South London Theatre for their play “Bullshot Crummond.”
We’d love to feature you, too - send us your monocle pictures to customerserivce@nearsights.com.