About Nearsights Monocles


Based in San Francisco, California, we design, manufacture, and sell the world’s best monocles.

Nearsights is a family business; we provide real monocles to real people.

Do you have a great monocle story?  Get in touch -- we would love to hear more!


My dad started selling monocles out of our home in the suburbs of Philadelphia way back in 2001.  He was in his early 50’s, and enjoyed skiing, but didn’t want to carry his fragile prescription glasses with him on the slopes.  He just needed something for occasional reading – to read and sign the waiver, to read the menu, to pay the check – but he didn’t want to carry a magnifying glass, and there weren’t any other eyewear options available.

At some point he had a flash of inspiration – a monocle!  Simple, functional, durable – perfect!  He searched the internet (using Yahoo!), but could only find antique monocles that were expensive and looked fragile.

So he decided to create his own monocle.   He found a designer, a manufacturer, and an online storefront – and Nearsights was born!  We still sell his original design as our Sport Monocle (although back-in-the-day it was known as the Easy Reader).

At first Nearsights was a part-time endeavor – a fun way to make people’s lives easier, and to make a little money on the side.  Orders came in slowly (if at all) in those early days, and not much effort was needed to keep things running smoothly.  Over the next 10 years the business grew organically, and when my dad retired in 2012 I took over what appeared to be a fun side project.

Since then I’ve developed a passion for Nearsights.  Our customers are *very* interesting people, our products are unique and improve people’s lives, and the eyeglasses industry is in a state of transition.  There are interesting and challenging times ahead!

I love to hear from our customers, and try to personally call as many of you as I can.  If you don't hear from me, please reach out -- I want to hear your story!

Keep in touch,

James Berry
Nearsights CEO